Feel Too Young To Retire But Too Old for the Rat Race?

Check out the Gen eXit Playbook, which shows you how I discovered that sweet spot between grind and golden years by taking an offensive approach to retirement.

Inside you’ll see how I…

  • Ditched the Daily Grind: How I started my transition from 9 to 5 employment to work-when-I-want self-deployment.

  • Stay Relevant, Future-Proof: How I embrace the digital age, keep up with AI, and tap into the creative to stay in the game.

  • Started Loving Work Again: How I found lifestyle-focused work that I don’t want to retire from - because it feels less like a chore and more like a choice.

Plus, you'll receive my Gen Xer's newsletter with weekly AI shortcuts to building $10K+ monthly income by sharing what you know and love learning about.


Join us in discovering what we are going to do with the rest of our lives.

“Corey has provided a lot of inspiration and encouragment for making the final step from full time employment to full time self deployment :). Better than that are the excercises he has suggested that really help clarify what it is I want to accomplish in life so that I can work through the process and discover how to best serve my overall "why" in day to day business.”

Cory Tomesh - Employee turned Business Owner, Sprint Graphics

“If you’re the one writing this, it’s damned good writing…very personal, (actually interesting) captivating, compelling, etc. Bravo!! I’m glad I get these - you’re giving me some ideas. I’m inspired."

Scott Zosel - Journalist turned Senior Marketing Manager