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- The Hard Truth: My Struggle to Serve You Better
The Hard Truth: My Struggle to Serve You Better
The Evolution of My Approach to Empower Your Future

I’m failing you.
Other than a hit of inspiration I’m hoping you get from reading emails every week
Am I helping you to move the ball forward in some meaningful way?
I’ll answer that - probably not.
Over the last few months, I've tossed out ideas – monthly subscriptions, an email course, simple, low-cost actions. But if they haven't clicked, that's on me.
I'm here to help you, and I need to do better.
Here goes…
Sweet Spot Search
You know that sweet spot where your passion and the world's needs collide That's where we're headed.
Frederick Buechner called it a place of “deep gladness.”
“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”
I’m not trying to get all religious on you, but for me, that quote summarizes the ultimate goal for us.
It's about making stuff that matters, that resonates.
“…the deepest gladness of innovators is to make and do things that make a difference. In the commercial world, that means making a difference to a market full of customers and clients. In the nonprofit and academic worlds, it means making a difference for beneficiaries and students. In all these areas, the innovation isn’t complete if the hoped-for beneficiaries are indifferent—if the innovation doesn’t, in one sense or another, sell.
You're here for a reason. You subscribed.
There's a gap, a need, and my job is to fill it with something so good, you can't help but say yes.
That's the deal – I provide value, you get ahead, and we both win.
If this were just about cash, I'd stick to my Google Ads gigs. But I'm in this to share what I've learned, to help you find work that's more than just a paycheck.
So, at the end of this email, I'm going to ask you something. And I'm really hoping you'll throw me a bone and answer.
Why You Should Reply?
Because this is about finding what really sells, what people can't live without.
That's a skill that's always in demand. It's about knowing who needs help and how to give it.
That's the future-proof stuff, the kind of knowledge you take to the grave.
And speaking of graves, let's talk about waking up.
Red Pill Moment
John Mayer gets a lot of shit for being a pop pretty boy. But the dude is a phenomenal guitarist and a great songwriter.
His song “No Such Thing” hits home for us, Gen X midlifers.
It's about realizing that much of what we were taught is NOT the whole picture.
They love to tell you
Stay inside the lines
But something's better
On the other side
They being society, bosses, friends, and family…
And all of our parents, they're getting older
I wonder if they've wished for anything better
While in their memories tiny tragedies
Before I went solo, I was racking up my fair share of tiny tragedies.
Stepping out on my own was my red pill moment. Best decision I ever made.
I wanna run through the halls of my high school cubicle farm
I wanna scream at the top of my lungs
And the red pill moment.
I just found out there's no such thing as the real world
Just a lie you've got to rise above
I would love for you to feel that.
By listening to the song…
And discovering that, as Mayer sings, there's something better on the other side. I want you to find that, too.
So, here’s what I’m asking:
Where are you on your journey?
What's keeping you from that next big step towards fulfilling work?
Let's figure this out together.
To new beginnings,
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