Today's AI Ain't Got The Same Soul

See why soul is a big part of keeping yourself future-proof.

Quick question…

If an artist didn’t “experience” the content of a painting or song, is the final result truly art?

Here’s why I ask.

The biggest question we need to answer to stay future-proof is what differentiates us from AI.

If AI can make music, create art, write articles, and whatever else, cheaper and faster, why would anyone need anything we’re creating?

I think the answer is soul.

In this post, I’m going to tell you why I think soul is a big part of being future-proof.

Plus, I’ll give you one very soulful, very wealthy music artist who proves my point.

What Is Soul Anyway?

As I discovered after deciding to enter this rabbit hole, soul is a huge topic with many meanings and origins.

Here’s one random example from Pythagoras (c. 570–c. 495 BC) that sounds cool.

According to him, the soul is made up of three things

  1. Intelligence

  2. Reason

  3. Passion

Tell me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think AI can do all those.

But that definition is not quite the definition that fits in this case.

This definition is the closest I could find:

“Soul is about putting what you love into what you perform—not what you’re supposed to love, but what you can’t help but love.”

Chris Haran, Vanguard Online, “What Does It Mean To Have Soul.”

He’s talking about music, but I think it applies to anything we humans create.

A machine can’t love, so how can it have soul?

Here’s another take on the value of art:

“Arts value is not at the level of detail, it is at the level of context.”

Jordan Peterson, hear him describe it in more depth in this YouTube Clip

How valuable is the context if there is no human experience backing it?

So back to the question.

If an artist didn’t “experience” the content of a painting or song, is the final result truly art?

I say no because if there is no experience, there is no soul. AND if there is no soul, then it won’t be valued as highly as true art.

For example, the heart-wrenching emotion in Adele’s voice moves you and connects with you more deeply because you know it comes from her actual experience. An experience that you can personally relate to human to human.

Anything that humans create through the lens of our unique experience will provide an element of soul that an AI just can’t provide. At least not without the help of a human.

Speaking of experience and soul…

Music Controversy

Early blues and rock-n-rollers borrowed licks and lyrics from blues musicians (early Led Zeppelin).

Then in the 80s, rappers and MCs borrowed riffs and sections from classic songs (“Ice Ice Baby” from Queen and David Bowie).

THEN in the 2000s, producers started creating mashups doesn’t go over well with some people either (you HAVE to check out Bill McClintock mashups).

And today, AI…

And again, this trend is not sitting well with music purists, like one of my favorite music writers, Ted Gioia…

YET, through all of it, great artists with soul are and always will be, prized above all else.

And if they put in the work, market themselves, and communicate their value, they will be rewarded, not replaced.

Be an artist, not a bot.

Like Adele.

My wife and I were in Vegas recently. We were excited to have the chance to see her perform at Ceasers…. until we saw ticket prices. They started at $590 and went up to $30,384.

Too rich for my blood, but people are paying because you can’t replicate hearing her bare her experience-drenched soul through her unbelievable voice in person.

Want to be future-proof?

As yourself, what are your true talents are. Then learn to harness your unique experience, market it, and deliver it with soul.

Have a good one,


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